No Initiative was coined by a group of college friends who share a love for storytelling and adventure. These friends are avid Dungeons and Dragons players who love to connect through their imaginations, strategy, and roleplaying.
Electric blue is the overall color used throughout this logo, which will translate well digitally for their youtube channel. The brand's name was birthed from their disregard for a mechanic within the game itself called "initiative”. Traditionally, Dungeons and Dragons is played using D20 dice, which was heavily influenced by this logo design. The dice is the perfect symbol for this brand because it references an element within the game, allowing their audience to relate to the imagery. We decided to overlay the brand's initials on the flat, open surface of the dice, representing the tabletop that Dungeons and Dragons is primarily played on. The logo outline is an abstract representation of the game piece designed to give this logo depth and personality. The face of the dice is flattened, and within it, "NI" is strategically placed using a simple yet modern font that is playful and unique. The dot of the "i" was designed to resemble the game's designated dice, giving it a signature element helping their brand's story be easily recognized within their community. No Initiative's open yet attentive design evokes the core essence of the group, representing their creativity and casual approach to life and their favorite past-time, Dungeons and Dragons.